Start of the event: 10:00 Berlin, 11:00 Amman, 12:00 Nairobi, 13:00 Tbilisi, 6:00 Brasília, 17:00 Peking 
Languages of the event: English, Arabic

Digital literacy and know-how transfer serving as enablers for pandemic-resilient communities

In the frame of the Connective Cities virtual week, virtual events on Digitalisation will take place on Thursday, November 26th. We cordially invite you to participate in our session on Digital literacy and know-how transfer serving as enablers for pandemic-resilient communities.

This session offers municipalities the opportunity to exchange their experiences and successful strategies about data management, digital literacy and user-friendly technology. In order to create an international exchange, best practices from Germany and Estonia will be shared. The following questions will be discussed:

  • How do digital tools determine the success of adaption strategies to the pandemic? 
  • How to organize data management in a smart and secure way?
  • Which role do digital tools play when it comes to citizen engagement?
  • How to foster digital literacy to avoid social divides within an urban community?

We are looking forward to an inspiring exchange and we would be delighted to have you join us!


Note: For a quality use of the conference tool please download the Google Chrome Browser.

Digital literacyمحو الأمية الرقمية







Dr. Huesmann, Christian, Project Manager, Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany

Mazzotta, Cosimo, Co-Founder Sicrex Switzerland, Hexpass

Stellmacher, PaulDeputy Board Member/ Head of Online Marketing, Tourism Agency, Luebecker Bay, Germany

Marten Kaevats, Estonia´s National Digital Advisor

Sebastian Fritz, Junior Advisor at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, #SolutionsForCities

Brennauer, Julia Mira, Junior Advisor at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, #SolutionsForCities


Jorge Rodriguez


Thematic Area