
SUDSC II webinar 1: Enhancing Service Delivery through Integrated Digital Systems

Arpan Mazumder
Arpan Mazumder


This webinar aims to explore the merits of digitally transforming city functions and service delivery while also understanding the challenges (namely, capacity of the organisation, resource constraints, digital divide, data security, and privacy, interoperability and integration, and organisational change management, etc.) that arise during the process and the means to overcome the same. By leveraging integrated digital systems, cities can enhance their efficiency, effectiveness, and overall quality of service delivery to meet the evolving needs of their residents and stakeholders.

Reference materials:

EASE OF LIVING INDEX https://smartnet.niua.org/eol19/pdf/EOL-2019-Completed-Version.pdf

MUNICIPAL PERFORMANCE INDEX https://smartnet.niua.org/eol19/pdf/MPI_Methodology.pdf

DATA MATURITY ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK https://niua.in/cdg/sites/default/files/2021-07/scm-dmaf.pdf

CSC ASSESSMENT FRAMRWORK https://niua.in/c-cube/sites/all/themes/zap/assets/pdf/CSCAF_3_0_Technical_document.pdf

URBAN OUTCOME FRAMEWORK PART 1 https://smartnet.niua.org/uof-2022/pdf/Urban_Outcomes_Framework_Part1_latest.pdf

URBAN OUTCOME FRAMEWORK PART 2 https://smartnet.niua.org/uof-2022/pdf/Urban_Outcome_Framework_Part_2.pdf

ENERGY EFFICIENT STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM https://niua.in/c-cube/sites/all/themes/zap/pdf/street-lighting.pdf
