Despite the increasing environmental, social and economic challenges that cities face, planning for sustainable infrastructure remains underrepresented on global, regional and national policy agendas. International discussions on infrastructure tend to focus on issues of financing, while disregarding the major issue at stake which is the need for a multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional planning approach. Governments, municipalities and other public institutions are at the heart of policymaking that shapes the planning processes for sustainable infrastructure.  The current deficiency in collaboration and representation makes it elusive to turn ambition into action.


To this end, this session addresses the overarching question of ‘How to overcome barriers to planning for integrated sustainable infrastructure and promoting cross-sectoral collaboration?’ 


In its role as a facilitator, mediator and moderator of this dialogue, Connective Cities will mobilise central actors that are essential stakeholders in the planning processes for sustainable infrastructure in cities to an initial exchange series on Participatory, Innovative and Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Decision Making 




Time (CEST) 




Opening remarks 

Connective Cities Team  


The Solutions Lab “Scalable Solutions for Sustainable Infrastructure”   

 (followed by Q&A) 

Vanessa Bauer, Sustainable Infrastructure program at GIZ 


Innovative and collaborative decision-making framework for integrated sustainable urban policy design: A case study of the Rhine-Ruhr area 

(followed by Q&A) 

Dr. Ani Melkonyan-Gottschalk, the Centre for logistics and traffic- Duisburg, Germany 



Investing in Nature-based Solutions in Cities 
(followed by Q&A) 

Sharon Gil 

Programme Management Officer 

Cities Unit/Economy Division at UNEP 



Closing Remarks 

Connective Cities Team
