Connective Cities Community
Sustainable urban development issues, ideas and challenges are globally promoted and discussed amongst experienced practitioners from municipalities, research & innovation sectors and other stakeholders.
Ongoing Activities
Group: Resilience in Times of War - Municipal exchange between Ukraine and Germany
The aim of this group is to exchange experiences between Ukrainian municipalities in order to increase resilience within communities and develop local strategies as needed.
Group: Action for Cool Cities: Pathways for carbon reduction in buildings and improvement of outdoor thermal comfort
Municipal Action for Cool Cities
- 58
Group: Flood Management for Risk-Informed Urban Development
Connective Cities in collaboration with GIDRM is organizing a learning process on Flood Management for Risk-Informed Urban Development.
- 30
Networks & Programmes
Group: Network Sub-Saharan Africa
Our goal: To improve urban basic services and sector governance as well as land management and land use planning
- 232 Mitglieder
- 3 Gute Praktiken
- 8 Neue Beiträge
Group: Network Southeast Europe
Our goal: Climate-resilient urban development: Mitigating and adapting to climate change in times of urbanization
- 282 Mitglieder
- 10 Gute Praktiken
- 4 Neue Beiträge
Group: Network MENA
Our goal: Local economic development and job creation in a climate- and gender-friendly urban development
- 472 Mitglieder
- 7 Gute Praktiken
- 10 Neue Beiträge
Global Network
Exchange experiences and network with other thematic experts and urban practitioners
WeiterlesenPlatform COVID-19
To continue tackling the challenges of the pandemic and to find solutions to minimise its impact, it is now necessary to learn and share experiences.