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Resilience in times of war:

Municipal exchange between Ukraine and Germany

The kick-off event will take place from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. CET and will be dedicated to the topic of “Strengthening Resilience and Capacity to Rebuild Cities and Critical Municipal Infrastructure in Times of War”.

Input: Municipal Cooperation in the Field of Energy Efficiency & Housing

  • Mr. Günter Burger | Head of International Affairs and Protocol, Personal Department of the Lord Mayor, City of Freiburg im Breisgau
  • Mrs. Tetiana Khabibrakhmanova | Head of Foreign Cooperation Department, Municipality of Lviv

Against the backdrop of Russia's ongoing war of aggression on Ukraine and the destruction of critical infrastructure, the goal of the working group is to develop measures and strategies to provide critical services for citizens and rebuild municipalities after the war.

Overall, the municipal learning group aims at a collegial exchange of expertise on different topics. Both individual municipalities and municipal partnerships can network and consult with each other. The event provides an opportunity to establish contacts between Ukrainian as well as with German municipalities. Relevant examples of municipal resilience strategies will be presented but above all, this session aims to provide an overview of common challenges and needs and will also lay the ground for further cooperations. We are going to work demand oriented and think about the learning and exchange formats which will serve your communities needs best. 


  • Energy supply and rehabilitation of energy infrastructure
  • Use of water resources
  • The functioning of public transport
  • Integration of internally displaced persons
  • Resilience and crisis management

The first session is aimed primarily at Ukrainian and German municipal representatives. In the further process, regional and international expertise will be consulted as needed. Simultaneous German-Ukrainian translation available.

Contact: paulina.koschmieder@giz.de 


Thematic Area