Presentation: Good Practice Bogotá, Colombia 

Presentation: Insights Pop-up bike lanes in Germany

Presentation: Insights Women on Bicycles


Invitación y agenda en español

Insight Session: Pop-up bike lanes - long-term opportunities for green urban development after the COVID-19 pandemic?


They appeared suddenly: bike lanes separated by yellow markings and conspicuous warning bars, replacing parking lanes, parts of the roadways or even the entire right lanes on busy roads. Following the example of the Colombian capital Bogotá, dozens of kilometres of new bike lanes have been built in cities around the world after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bike lanes allow urban residents to get more physical activity and offer hope for a shift towards a more sustainable urban mobility and transportation and a reduction of CO2 emissions in cities. As a result, many users want the pop-up bike lanes to remain in place after the pandemic and urban researchers and practitioners value them as a great opportunity for a more climate friendly and healthy urban development and a paradigm shift in urban mobility in the post-COVID era.

However, there is also criticism on the new bike lanes. Motorists fear more congestion and longer travel times with increased traffic after the COVID-19 pandemic, as the pop-up bike lanes lead to fewer lanes are available for cars. This would also contradict the plan to improve air quality. This would also contradict the plan to improve air quality. There are also fears of more accidents when cars and bicyclists meet in close quarters. As a result, the cities of Berlin and Munich, for example, have had to contend with lawsuits against the preservation of pop-up bike lanes.

In this session insights into good practices of cities and the challenges they are facing will be presented. Discussions on the pop-up bike lanes and their long-term preservation will be stimulated and urban practitioners worldwide will exchange and be made aware of the opportunities of more bike lanes for green urban development in the post-COVID era.  


Time (CEST)



Technical check-in of participants


Opening and welcome words

Franziska Loibl, Project Advisor, Connective Cities, GIZ


Good Practice: Bogotá, Colombia

Sebastian Posada Garcia, Bicycle and Pedestrian Sub-Directorate, Secretariat of Mobility, City of Bogotá


Insights: Pop-up bike lanes in Germany

Thomas Kiel d’Aragon, Policy Advisor for Traffic and Construction, Association of German Cities, Berlin


Insights: Women on Bicycles

Seçil Öznur Yakan, Co-Founder of Women on Bicycle Initiative, Turkey


Question and Answer session


Wrap up and closing


End of the event


Event language: English. Interpretation will be available in Spanish. Further translation may be added upon demand.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the event!
