What exactly is meant with ‘Green Infrastructure’? The European Commission defines Green Infrastructure as “a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services such as water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate mitigation and adaptation.” 

There are already many innovative strategies and practices on local level in place when it comes to sustainable urban planning, urban greening, and land-use as well as ecosystem-based management practices. However, there is also a lack of systematic implementation of urban green infrastructure and underpinning cross-sectoral governance and management arrangements as well as access to these practice-oriented solutions and the relevant contacts. 

To this end, Connective Cities and in partnership with NetworkNature is organising this session that focuses on the main barriers of green infrastructure implementation. The session also aims at highlighting best practices and experience of European and international cities in overcoming these barriers as well as introducing the audience to available guidance and resources.  




Time (CEST)




Welcome and introduction

Connective Cities-GIZ


Opening remarks

Daphne Gross-Jansen,

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany

PART 1: Experiences and good practices for design, implementation, planning and governance of UGI in cities


Key barriers for implementing Urban Green Infrastructure in Cities & peri-urban areas

Bettina Wilk, ICLEI

City experiences in overcoming barriers to design, implementation, governance of UGI


Green corridor in Campinas-Brazil

Gabriel Dias Mangolini Neves, Campinas-Brazil


Water Security: through the lens of multi-stakeholder collaboration

Eddy Chikuta, Coordinator, Lusaka Water Security Initiative


Moderated conservation

Connective Cities-GIZ

Part 2: Training part



Bettina Wilk, ICLEI


Meeting the financial challenges facing China’s Sponge City Program (SCP)

(interactive session)

Monica A. Altamirano, NOW Partners; Faith Ka Shun Chan, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China


NBS indicator handbook – NBS monitoring and impact evaluation in cities

(interactive session)

Laura Wendling, Nature-based Solutions Research Team Leader at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Closing & Opportunities to stay informed  - NetworkNature, NatureWithCities, UrbanbyNature Programme 

Bettina Wilk, ICLEI



