
Capacity Strengthening: 7. Smart City through agile work and prototyping

Christian Zange
Christian Zange

Smart City trough agile work and prototyping

Expert/Trainer: Nicolaie Moldovan

Mr. Moldovan will share the Smart City strategy of ‘Alba Iulia ‘City (Romania) using agile project management by prototyping quick and early with private companies. While adopting Smart City
strategies became mandatory to municipalities in the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic, many enrol into complex digitization projects without knowing the exact specification or technical requirements. The approach of his city combines agile methods with quick testing
and competition between companies. Mr Moldovan will present apractical experience of how smart city pilot projects could be scaled up at city level, neighbourhood’s level, a network of institutions’ level, using technical lessons learnt, and a mix of funding. A part of his vast experience in project management (more than 500 million euro attracted in Romania) sustained various smart city initiatives in the field of urban mobility, public lightning, green energy etc. 

#digitalisation #green urban development #economy #innovation ecosystems

This session will be held in English with translation into Arabic. 

لغة المؤتمر هي اللغة الإنجليزية مع ترجمة فورية إلى اللغة العربية
