
MENA: Kickoff WG Local development strategies

Muna Shalan

The kick-off meeting's theme revolves around building a strong foundation for the working group's activities, fostering understanding of the strategic planning process, and encouraging participants to engage actively in the subsequent sessions.



Time (CEST)



11:00 – 11:10

Welcome Note

Dr. Muna Shaalan

Regional Coordinator


Context and Importance of Strategic Planning

  • Presentation on the significance of strategic planning for municipalities in the MENA region
  • Explanation of how strategic plans contribute to community development and sustainable goals


Arch. Haneen Hassouneh


Overview of Working Group Objectives

  • Presentation of the working group's purpose and goals
  • Explanation of the expected outcomes and benefits for participating municipalities


Arch. Haneen Hassouneh


Key Elements of Effective Strategic Plans

Detailed discussion on the components of successful strategic plans:

  • Vision, mission, and goals
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Action plans and timelines
  • Resource allocation and monitoring


Arch. Haneen Hassouneh

11:50– 12:15

Process of Developing Strategic Plans Step-by-step explanation of the strategic planning process:

  • Data and information analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement and collaboration
  • Goal setting and strategy formulation
  • Action plan development

Arch. Haneen Hassouneh


Good example Madaba Municipality strategic plan

Mr.Mohammad Abo Gaood


Open discussion

Moderator:  Arch. Haneen Hassouneh


Tourism plan working group

Mrs.Hanan Haber


Closing Remarks and Next Steps

  • Recap of key takeaways from the kick-off meeting
  • Outline of the upcoming sessions and activities of the working group
  • Encouragement for active participation and engagement

Arch. Haneen Hassouneh


Thematic Area