How could everyone be able to use technology?
Digital Literacy is one of the key elements of digitalisation of society and secures the democratic and widespread inclusion of all members of our communities. More and more we inhabit digital and virtual spaces, sometimes without the proper knowledge and wisdom to keep safety, privacy, and human rights in place.
Our lives change as technology advances and the ability to navigate and understand the new social practices may leave some citizens behind and excluded. The integration, promotion, and access to digital skills and digital knowledge are mandated for most municipalities around the world. Educational programs, production of content, and providing access to information on digital literacy become part of government programs around the world.
This working group will focus on the analysis and creation of digital literacy strategies and the identification of opportunities that can enable inclusion to all citizens and communities. Discussion and collaboration about efforts and ideas, to improve the access to the benefits of technology and digital services and education about the digital environment and the virtual society.