Digital cluster participants survey

Open call for participation in the Digitalisation Cluster of the Connective Cities COVID-Programme


The last few years and their rapid turn of events have posed significant transformation challenges not only for individuals and companies, but also for municipalities and their teams. Digitalisation is one of them. Understanding what it means, what it demands and the opportunities and risks it implies are some of the topics pf conversation we will develop in the cluster.


As the circumstances and plans of each municipality, region and culture are different we would like to open a call for all urban practitioners to participate in the cluster first by letting us know more about their current challenges and plans, here are a few questions that will help us know your aims better

General Information
Is there currently a Local digitalisation strategy?*
Is there currently a National digitalisation strategy?*
What are your main challenges dealing with digitalisation? *
Which is your main objective in relation to digitalisation? *
Do you have one or more digitalisation projects in your municipality? *