Insight Session:
Urban Safety for Women and Girls – Strategies for safer public spaces in Cities
9th March 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 CET


Safer public spaces for women and girls mean safer public spaces for everyone. On 8th March 2022 we celebrate International Women’s Day, and Connective Cities is seeking this opportunity to inspire urban practitioners worldwide to strengthen a gender sensitive approach in their city planning. 

Urban public spaces as well as public transport were mostly designed by and to accommodate the needs of men. A lot of them are not fit for women’s needs or pose a threat to women's safety, their design complicates everyday lives and reduces possibilities to engage in community life. Therefore, if possible, a lot of times these urban areas are avoided by women.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated these existing gender inequalities in various aspects. At the same time, this crisis can be an opportunity to make urban planning more equitable and sustainable. Participatory approaches provide great opportunities to include voices and their ideas in urban planning that might have been unheard in the past. A rich community life and democratic urban societies can only thrive if public spaces are safe and functional for all citizens to meet and engage.

Participation and contact

We herewith kindly invite you to participate in the Insight Session Urban Safety for Women and Girls – Strategies for safer public spaces in Cities” taking place on Wednesday, 9th March 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 CET. The event is addressed to urban practitioners from local governments as well as from academia, the private sector and civil society. The conference language is English, simultaneous interpretation English <> Arabic will be available. 


Insight Session: Urban Safety for Women and Girls – Strategies for safer public spaces in Cities



15:00 – 15:10

Welcome Words




Urban Safety from a feminist perspective
Sara Ortiz Escalante, Col·lectiu Punt 6, Barcelona, Spain


Her City Toolbox

Her City
Tove Andréasson Derner, Global Utmaning, Stockholm, Sweden


Good Practice
Zarqa Municipality, Jordan:
Designing an inclusive public space using the Minecraft tool

Mohammad Zawahreh, Zarqa Municipality, Jordan






Wrap-Up and Goodbye


End of the Session


Franziska Loibl, Lina Kratz (Connective Cities)


If you have any further questions about the programme or your participation, please do not hesitate to contact us! /


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