Descubra el taller de Design Thinking en español
DT Workshop DAY 3: Nov 17th
In this session we'll test your ideas and prototypes with a group of real actors like citizens and experts that will give you feedback in order to improve and fine tune your solutions.
The Design Thinking Workshops of the CityLab offers an intensive 3 hours/day coaching aimed at focussed group work on specific municipal ideas developed in the clusters. The Design Thinking process consists of a set of highly efficient problem-solving methods, ideal for
—> alignment within your working group on problem definition
—> clear and concise formulation of solution scenarios
—> a 6 slide pitch deck to be presented at the Hackathon (if you have a technical) or to the Jury/ Financing Advisors (if you have a conceptual solution)
—> build capacity in human-centered-design methods
JOIN us and apply creative and innovative ways of solving complex problems, coached by an international team of experts in this field!