Call for Expression of Interest: Dialogue Event Climate Finance for Asian Cities


This event will make use of new digital / agile collaboration and exchange formats (based e.g. on the well-established connective cities dialogue event methodology). The idea is to bring different representatives from several cities in the region (selected municipal / finance experts from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines and Indonesia) together with GIZ, Connective Cities and other collaborators and project colleagues to discuss and exchange about municipal / climate financing topics, with innovative formats such as peer-to-peer advice and ideation for project development.
The main objective of the dialogue event is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and mutual learning based on concrete project ideas and good practice examples of municipal actors with different local conditions. The focus is mainly on pragmatic solutions and approaches that can be applied or adapted to different regional contexts. The dialogue event will also provide a space for in-depth discussion of current challenges around the topic of climate financing and will support the joint development of innovative projects / solutions for sustainable urban development.
Call for Expression of Interest & Concept Note – Virtual Dialogue Event – Unturning the stones - Exploring Climate Finance for Cities 3
The virtual dialogue event will be a highly interactive workshop with municipal actors, including, if possible, representatives of civil society, academia and business. Municipal practitioners involved in urban planning or municipal financing will be able to discuss in detail the projects and ideas implemented or planned in their municipality.
Additional focus will be also to:
• Identify good practice examples from the region that can be shared with other cities as well as knowledge products already available to be shared and conveyed to cities
• Provide peer-to-peer advisory services for selected cities in a conducive and creative workshop environment and with that, support ideation and preparing / planning of specific projects / or an action plan for implementation
• Initiate a practice-oriented learning that includes different exchange and learning formats and seeks to strengthen capacities of urban practitioners (including the introduction and collaboration within the connective city community)
