
Insight Session - Protecting the Vulnerable from Urban Disaster Risk

Jimmy  Yoedsel
Jimmy Yoedsel

Vulnerable communities are disproportionately impacted by climate change, escalating already-existing disparities. The rising temperatures cause heat-related illnesses and impair air quality, putting low-income people' health at risk. Extreme weather disasters are becoming more and more frequent and severe, displacing vulnerable people who don't always have the resources to recover. Food security is under risk due to shifting precipitation patterns, which makes it difficult for impoverished places to feed their inhabitants. Furthermore, people with less financial resources bear a disproportionately large portion of the cost of adapting to climate change. Vulnerable populations, such as indigenous communities, women and children, and the global poor, suffer the brunt of climate change repercussions, underscoring the critical need for equitable solutions and coordinated action on climate change to protect their livelihoods and well-being.


This insight session explores how vulnerable groups in different cities across the world are being protected against the impacts of climate change.