Ecozone / Belo Horizonte - Brazil

Workshop Good Practices Exchange - Green Urban Development

Adriana Marchiori Silva
Adriana Marchiori Silva

City governance and planning initiative failures can exacerbate urban problems—such as socioeconomic inequality, slums and informal settlements, urban sprawl, and the degradation of natural ecosystems— while also exposing the city to the localized effects of global climate change (World Bank, 2019). Nevertheless, the urban ecosystem brings opportunities that seek to decarbonize the urbanization process, promote resource-efficient growth, build compact cities, and enhance urban resilience. Cities are catalysts for economic growth, innovation, and employment. In an increasingly urban world, innovative planning and city management are essential to reduce inequality and achieve and implement the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), New Urban Agenda (NUA). 

The two-hour workshop aims to promote the exchange of experiences between cities and to share examples of good practices that can be successfully replicated, within the framework of Connective Cities. It will take place virtually on December 3 between 15:00 and 17:00 CET and will feature the participation of cities from different regions, such as Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe. The speakers will share the projects in the respective cities, the actors involved, the state of progress, results and how the demo actions contributed to sustainable urban development. Special emphasis will be given to local engagement and the multiple elements addressed simultaneously: mobility & public space, COVID-19 mitigation measures, green spaces, waste management at a neighbourhood level.

The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session, encouraging cities to exchange and find synergies, promote partnerships and collaboration.