
Intro Workshop: Meet our partners and learn about our challenges

Evgeniya Panova
Evgeniya Panova
in group Hackathon

Do you want to know who's behind this 48-hour adventure? Join this session to meet Connective Cities Lab initiators and partners. It is a perfect opportunity to discuss the challenges in greater depth with the municipal actors who created them. 


10 AM: Welcome and introduction to our partners

10:10 AM: Innovation cluster challenge 1:

In what ways can digital and physical innovation ecosystems prevent brain drain and recoup talents from the diaspora?

Create a SOCIAL PLUGIN/APP for the open-source Slack alternative MATTERMOST to find talents, (re-)connect them SKILL based, gamify learning and make the knowledge of people in your city more accessible.

Presented by Alexander Ohrt,

10:20 AM: Innovation cluster challenge 2: Using technology to revitalize and occupy empty city spaces.

Presented by Danilo Grbović, Serbia Creates

10:30 AM: Crisis communication cluster Challenge 1: 

Fighting trolls and fake news with media & tech literacy: In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, what tools should social actors use to combat dangerous misinformation and radicalization tendencies?

Presented by Harinjaka A. RATOZAMANANA,

10:40 AM: Crisis communication cluster Challenge 2: 

Hacking bureaucracy and overcoming miscommunication: what are the most effective ways to optimize, automate and amplify internal information sharing between municipal sectors during the crisis?

Presented by Chris Doering, Marzavan Innovation

10:50 AM: Digitalisation cluster Challenge 1:

Digital infrastructure vs accessibility & literacy: How can we help municipalities overcome the digital divide both internally and externally and enhance digital literacy?

Presented by Jorge Rodriguez, La Innovation Kitchen

11:00 AM: Digitalisation cluster Challenge 2:

How can digital solutions be integrated into the procurement process to automate & reduce bureaucracy, ensure compliance, and monitor execution? What digital solutions could also be integrated to also increase awareness of sustainability within municipalities (e.g., training platforms)? What digital platforms could be conceived to better understand what green products & services could be sourced locally?

Presented by Georgeta (Vidican) Auktor, Researcher & policy consultant

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM: Presenting all hackathon prizes 

Thematic Area